
  • Very early variety
  • Fast initial growth
  • Compact plant
  • Rich fruiting
  • Good Verticilium tolerance
  • Excellent qualitative characteristics

Qualitative characteristics

Length 2,5 % (mm)30,4
Strength (gr/tex)31,7
Gin turn out≈42%
Weight of 100 seeds (gr)9,4
Basic Agronomic CharacteristicsScale
Verticillium tolerance1= Tolerant, 5= Resistant
Deep root system1= Less deep rooted, 5= Deep rooted
Solid soils1= Not recommended, 5= Appropriate
Earliness1= Mid-early, 3= Early, 5= Very early
Boll opening after long rainy condition1= Affected, 5= Excellent
Height/Development1= Vigorous, 5= Compact
Use of growth regulators1= Minimum use, 5= Demanded under certain circumstances
Weight 100gr seeds1= 8,4-9,0gr , 2= 9,1-9,5gr, 3= 9,6-9,7gr, 4= 10,7-10,9gr, 5= 11-11,6gr
Gin turn out (GTO) (%)1= 38%, 3= 40%, 5= 42%, 7= 44%
Hairy leaves1= Absence, 3= Moderate presence, 5= Strong presence
Fiber lenght 2,5%(mm)1≥28, 2≥29, 3≥30, 4≥31, 5≥32